Returns and Exchanges

Returns & Exchanges

If you are not completely satisfied with your order from Dubarry, or you wish to exchange size, we will be happy to exchange items or refund the cost of the item within 30 days of the date of purchase for non-clearance items and within 14 days for clearance items, provided the items are unworn, undamaged and in their original packaging with all labeling and swing tags intact.

Please note the following:

  • It is essential that any unsuitable items, unless faulty, are returned in a re-saleable condition.
  • Postage costs are not refunded.

If you return an item purchased online for exchange or refund, please enclose a letter stating:

  • The website order number when purchased online
  • The reason for return
  • Full contact details, including postal address, email and daytime contact telephone number

If there is a sizing issue, please call us to discuss before returning item.

To help us serve you as quickly as possible please use the return addresses below. Please note that all returns and exchanges should be made to the retailer from whom the original purchase was made. We can only accept returns if the purchase was made initially from Ludlow of London Ltd.


Ludlow of London Ltd.

68 Inglewood Drive 

Toronto, Ontario M4T1H3